Stage 1. Positioning of the perforator
Associated works during hydro mechanical slatted perforation are:
- geophysical methods including positioning & tying in (gamma logging, small-sized collar locator);
- diagnostic operation of the well before hydro mechanical slatted perforation;
- control & well development by swabbing after the works (seisviewer , electromagnetic testing , gamma thickness & defect Scanning indicator, temperature logging);
- positioned operation in the perforation interval.
Hydro mechanical slatted Perforator is fixed to the tubing column & is lowered to the planned perforation interval.
Fixing of reference adaptor to the specified perforation interval is conducted by gamma logging which is written after the lowering.
Making of longitudinal slots can be oriented according to the required azimuth if necessary.
Azimuth positioned operation is carried out by geophysical methods.